Preventative Dentistry

Houston, TX


Dental cleanings are the rock on which Hamblin Family Dentistry exists. Having a healthy body starts with having a healthy mouth. Not to mention, having a clean mouth prevents more expensive and time consuming dental treatment down the road.

Most of our patients can achieve perfect oral health by visiting our office in Houston, TX at least every 6 months for their check ups and cleanings. However, some patients require more frequent visits to maintain pristine oral health.

Seeing us regularly for your dental “tooth massage” allows us to clean the hard to reach places in your mouth that you may miss in your daily home-care routine. Most importantly it has been shown over and over again that patients who receive regular oral care spend less on dental treatment over their lifetime.

If it has been a while since you have been to the dentist, we welcome you with open arms. The important thing is that you are back and investing in your health again. Much like a car wash, if it has been a while since it has been washed you may need to do an “upgraded wash” to get some of the build up off of the car.

Likewise, if it has been a while since your last cleaning, you may benefit from an upgraded cleaning (we call it “gum infection therapy”). We may discover that you are suffering from gum disease, infection, and excess build up that you can’t remove on your own. This disease lies all below the gum line and requires our professional team at Hamblin Family Dentistry to remove the disease and return your teeth to a healthy status.

No matter the circumstance, we have an option that will fit with your long term goals for your smile!


Sealants are a great preventative option that we offer here at Hamblin Family Dentistry. Sealants are perfect for kids, but can also be a great option for adults. Sealants help turn what were once deep and hard to clean grooves in your teeth into shallow, easy to clean grooves that ultimately prevent cavities. This is what makes them such a great option for both kids and adults alike. We recommend sealants to both kids and adults as a preventative measure to save you money and time on potentially more expensive and time consuming dentistry in the future.

Sealants provide you with a cost effective option to prevent cavities from forming in the future. Best of all, sealants do not require any manipulation of your tooth structure at all so you do not have to worry about any damage to the tooth.


H​​ere at Hamblin Family Dentistry, we commonly see patients who either knowingly or unknowingly grind and clench their teeth at night. A classic sign of grinding and clenching is front teeth that are “flat” or that are chipped. Sometimes, patients will also have jaw pain or headaches in the morning when they wake up due to their clenching habit. Grinding and clenching can lead to many expensive and more complex concerns including a sore TMJ, broken/chipped teeth, and a worn dentition.

Night guards are a great way to prevent damage to your teeth while you are sleeping at night and unaware of the forces that you are placing on your teeth and jaw joint.

There are several over the counter options that patients try, but they often eventually decide to see us for a custom appliance. Since it is custom made to fit only your teeth, it has a superior fit, comfort, and quality when compared to over the counter products. An added benefit of a nightguard is that it will also act as a retainer, preventing your teeth from shifting over time.

Preserve Your


At Hamblin Family Dentistry, we believe that the best dental care is preventive. Our team employs the latest techniques and technology to ensure your oral health stays at its peak and prevents issues before they arise. Choose us for a proactive approach to dental health, where your smile’s longevity is our priority. From cleanings and exams to custom nightguards, we provide comprehensive care for the whole family. Call today!

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